Saturday, October 27, 2018

The Conflict in America

We have seen the hate ever since Donald Trump walked down that escalator. The media attacked him. The Democrats attacked him and these two groups don't want him to defend himself. They continue to attack him and every policy, even Brett Kavanaugh, a man who defends the Freedom of Religion. Also, we moved our embassy to Jerusalem...liberals didn't like that.

This violent behavior, all totally out of control, must be condemned by both Parties.

Definition of Conflict:

Conflict is an ever present process in human relations. It has been defined by A. W. Green “as the deliberate attempt to oppose, resist or coerce the will of another or others. According to Gillin and Gillin, “Conflict is the social process in which individuals or groups seek their ends by directly challenging the antagonist by violence or threat of violence.”


  1. This is a horrifying event that can only be compared to the lunatic who shot those wonderful people in the church in Charleston. Lawlessness pervades this country, and the innocent are silent. I'm afraid there are no right answers. Everyone can only examine their own conscience. If you're happy with the way things are, I feel sorry for you!

  2. I can only apologize for the human race. I feel personally degraded by this event. No animal would commit such a heinous act!

  3. this is what Democrats are doing

  4. @7:29--when will you guys stop it? How did we get so many "terrible, sick ugly individuals?" Ever since Donald Trump won the election, that's when.

  5. I;m not a "you guys". I'm someone who doesn't want to see hate win. Don't be like that.

  6. @8:58--Tell it to Mad Max, Hillary Clinton, Cory Booker, Kamala Harris, and the rest of the haters in the Democrat party.
