Wednesday, October 17, 2018

The Commission Meeting from Hell

There have been others--

There were seven items under Presentations and Erica Whitfield, School Board member, took over one-half hour telling us how and why they need you to vote them another mil--they don't have money. I enjoyed the presentation of the Lantana Chamber of Commerce inviting our businesses in Lake Worth to become a part of their organization. I don't know why we ever got rid of our own in the downtown. And the presentation to the Lake Worth Towers with 2,500 residents and the low-cost housing for Seniors going strong since 1968, reminded us of important history in our city. They are about to pay off their 50 year loan and will have a celebration party on October 26.

But the hell was about to take place after the break (which took about 13 minutes) around 2 hours and 13 minutes into the meeting when the 2nd Public Hearing on Ordinance 2018-16 came up for discussion.

Commissioner Hardy made a motion to strike several items in the Ordinance that I believe are totally objectionable as well. His motion was logical. The Mayor and Commissioner Maxwell objected to his motion (insinuating that games were being played) and Herman Robinson's second to the  motion. It all went downhill from there. Hardy, who thinks out of the box, is given a hard time by a few on the dais at most every meeting on any given point he might raise.

Finally, nearly two hours later and after listening to the public who were 100% against aspects of the Ordinance, Herman Robinson made a motion to deny the entire Ordinance--it passed on a 5/0. I have no clue if or when it will come back.


  1. That was idiotic. You make a motion on the agenda item. Then you discuss and amend the motion as all agree to. Hardy was out of order.

  2. They ended up rescinding the motion and allowing the agenda item to be brought up for discussion by "making a motion" to approve. It could have been a motion to deny as well to open it up for discussion.

    Discussing and changing the agenda item before a motion to approve or deny is just plain wrong.

    Roberts Rules not only state that in order to be given the floor to make a motion, he must first be recognized and given the floor by the Chair. He was not. When the agenda item was read, he blurted out he want to move to strike bla, bla.

    Additionally, there is what is called a "Main Motion". Once given the floor by the Chair, the main motion would have been to approve or deny the agenda item. All subsequent motions come once the main motion has been seconded with the final vote reflecting any and all amendments to the main motion.

    Glen stated that he could technically do what he did. Meaning that the Chair can run the meeting as loosely or tightly as she wishes. But She was right saying that She runs the meeting and the form for which motions are to be made.

  3. And the reason it took two freaking hours is because Hardy was out of order.

  4. His reasoning was valid.
    Yes, the mayor runs the meeting but she's not supposed to be a dictator. And if the mayor runs the meeting, why then didn't she end the discussion and have it go to a workshop. HUH?
    They love to be arbitrary when it comes to Omari.

  5. My new tee shirt: "Lake Worth-who gives a crap"
    This commission is very good at ignoring their own rules-After 1/2 hour discussion-go to workshop. Why in hell didn't the city attorney intervene?

  6. Nothing arbitrary about it. Madam Mayor doesn't have to act like a dictator. Roberts Rules describes her role. If you consider that dictatorial maybe you could suggest alternate rules of running a meeting. The City Attorney doesn't run the meeting. He should have given better advise on the rules though.

    Hardy kept saying he was following the rules. He wasn't.
    This is not some obscure area of Roberts Rules. It is right in the front of the book. Basics on how to run a meeting and motions.

  7. Well, it didn't have to get contentious. And it certainly didn't have to go on for 2 hours.

  8. And one more thing--
    I have a book on Robert's Rules. Including the index, it is 704 pages. I would wager to say that there are not too many people who understand it all if any of it. Glen Torcivia gave his opinion on omari's procedure and the Mayor and Scott wanted to ignore it and fight about it.
    It was staff's intent to get the entire ordinance passed. Herman from inception said he was voting against...he did and the ordinance failed in the end.
    Now we will have to see the entire thing dragged back for more discussion.

  9. I couldn't make it through the whole discussion but it appears it was a good idea to send it back. It'll take two more readings now and some of the objectionable items will be removed. I personally liked the idea of requiring sodding of vacant lots. It did not require irrigating the vacant lot so the argument about how it was environmentally irresponsible was not accurate.

    Argentina Bahia is what is used on roadsides throughout Florida and will bounce back to life after a rain. It looks better than weeds and at least looks uniform in color and growth rate. It made a big difference back when Waters instituted that requirement for vacant lots throughout Lake Worth that were overgrown with weeds.

    They most likely would have fought about it if the agenda item were handled correctly from the start with a motion to approve and then amendments to the ordinance striking or adding would be voted on individually and the item passing or failing with the amendments.

    Not complicated.

  10. No one seems to notice that both the clerk and the city attorney confirmed that Hardy made a legitimate motion. The clerk said it at the very beginning, and the city attorney said it no less than three times.
