Friday, October 19, 2018

Russian Woman Charged With US Election-Meddling

"The Justice Department unsealed the criminal complaint soon after U.S. intelligence agencies, in a rare public statement, asserted that Russia, China, Iran and other countries were engaged in continuous efforts to influence American policy and voters in the upcoming congressional elections and beyond."

Read about it...

US News and World Report says, "A Russian woman has been charged with interfering in American elections, including next month's midterms, through a vast social media effort aimed at trying to sway American public opinion."

You can bet that these countries are not helping President Trump but they are upsetting our democracy and pitting American against American. Doing a damn good job of it, aren't they?


  1. soros is dividing this country to the point of insanity. hate Democrats.

  2. "You can bet that these countries are not helping President Trump..."

    U.S. intelligence agencies that studied the 2016 election say you're wrong.

  3. Sure the Russians helped Mr Trump how can you say they didn’t? Putin hated Hillary Clinton, he would do anything to prevent here from getting elected. Putin would support ANY candidate running against her and it’s not Mr Trumps fault that he benefited from Putin’s interference. We are fortunate to have a truly great president leading our country today, vote red in two weeks!

  4. @7:51--PROVE IT. Prove everything you said in your first 3 sentences.

  5. "U.S. intelligence agencies" another victim of the mainstream media.

  6. I find this to be absurd. One Russian woman? Social media? Is her name Natasha? Svetlana? Sofia? Is this her full-time job, or does she work in a Nail Salon on weekends. If we get any dumber, we don't deserve to be a free people!

  7. We are on our way not to have a country with
    Andrew Gillum and Beto O'Rourke and all the other losers.
