Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Protesting the Left-wing biased Palm Beach Post

At this moment, there is a protest occurring at the Palm Beach Post Building--

The United West is protesting The Palm Post for banning its paid political advertisement that exposes the destructive policies of Andrew Gillum, Democrat candidate for Florida Governor. The United West (TUW) will reveal the banned advertisement at the protest.

If you recall, the PB Post endorsed Andrew Gillum. This is no surprise, as they endorse most ALL Democrats. What is the surprise is their ban on opposition advertising.

The protest just started at 11am this morning at The Palm Beach Post, 2751 S. Dixie Hwy, West Palm Beach, FL 33405. Several Florida activists and leaders will participate.

 Press Release


  1. C'mon, Lynn. They endorsed Rubio and Brian Mast in 2016. Quit lying all the time. Every time you open your mouth it's a lie.

  2. Hey, even a left-wing biased newspaper or even a liberal Democrat such as yourself can get something right every now and then. I don't know that they endorsed them but what does that have to do with "every time you open your mouth it's a lie."
    I don't lie. You just don't like my opinions. I get that.
    Go somewhere else and get off your jollies. Take a long walk off a short pier.

  3. Who cares 1:24 the Post is biased and shows it every day.

  4. Absolutely, I would never buy or read their paper again. All lies. They pit good citizens against sleazy politicians and make the good guy look bad like in Lake Worth with all this crime and the elected do nothing about it and when citizens speak out all they do is turn the tables on the good citizens of this city. They are a has been!
