Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Protest at the Palm Beach Post

As mentioned yesterday, The United West protested The Palm Post for banning its paid political advertisement that exposes the destructive policies of Andrew Gillum, mayor of Tallahassee and Democrat candidate for Florida Governor. The left-leaning Post endorsed the Democrat racist Gillum in spite of his corruption charges and Tallahassee being high in crime.

Overrun with crime, “Tallahassee had the highest number of murders in history last year and we top the state for the highest crime rate,” said Gillum's former Chief of Staff.

"The past several years have witnessed the radical left using law enforcement as a political target, which has increased the risks for those in uniform and hurt public safety.  Andrew Gillum, the so-called “democratic socialist” candidate for governor of Florida, represents the triumph of the progressive left’s approach to law enforcement, and a victory by him in November would lead to a statewide increase in crime." [RealClearPolitics]


  1. Looks like a great turnout!

  2. Sort of like the turnout Obama is getting lately.

  3. What a bunch of dorks! Not the lady in red though, very nice!
