Sunday, October 28, 2018

November 6 Ballot Initiatives

[BallotPedia] "So far, at least $901.6 million has been contributed to support and opposition campaigns for 2018 statewide ballot measures, with the largest amounts in California, Nevada, and Florida.

Support campaigns had raised about 53 percent of the campaign funds as of October 26, 2018. The 68 citizen-initiated measures had featured about 88.6 percent of the campaign finance activity.

According to reports available as of October 26, 2018, the following 3 states featured the most in ballot measure campaign contributions:

California - $342,521,967.45 in contributions
Nevada - $121,396,953.24 in contributions
Florida - $91,156,324.81 in contributions"

Florida November Ballot Initiatives
Ballot Initiatives
NO on Amendment 1
NO on Amendment 2
YES on Amendment 3
NO on Amendment 4
Yes on Amendment 5
NO on Amendment 6
NO on Amendment 7
-- on Amendment 8 (pulled) NO on Amendment 9
YES on Amendment 10
NO on Amendment 11
YES on Amendment 12
YES on Amendment 13

And as far as Palm Beach Soil & Water Conservation Districts, I am voting for known experts:

David Legg, Group1
Eva Webb, Group 5


  1. Why would you not vote yes to 9, banning offshore drilling and vaping where smoking is not currently permitted?

  2. I voted yes on Amendment 9. Unless I'm missing something, I felt yes was the way that most reflected my wishes.

  3. Unfortunately whoever wrote this amendment bundled two separate items into it...very confusing and very dumb. I'm against it because it is not explained thoroughly enough.

    The offshore oil drilling ban only applies to state waters. It would not ban drilling or oil and gas exploration in federal waters, which extend past three miles from shore on the Atlantic side and past nine miles on the Gulf side. We need exploration in order to become self-sufficient and not rely on Arab oil.

    Vaping I get that one...don't want that air around me.
