Friday, October 12, 2018

"Make America Great," says Kanye

And, of course, the left wing Media got in their normal attack mode.


  1. Two people who speak truth to power.
    AND, Trump gets results.

  2. I like the way Trump thinks. Which is like, if I can show that I can host and talk to some black people, that means I like them and treat them well when they're not in the room. It's kinda like Fox News and Diamond & Silk. It's very smart and convincing because Trump and Fox are smart that way. Many people will look at them and will be convinced despite what other things they do and say. It's why I love watching Fox News so much.

  3. First of all, Kanye asked for the meeting. The President did NOT solicit him.
    Trump has blacks in his cabinet. It's not a race thing with the President but it IS for Democrats.
    You must be a Democrat @1:36.

  4. I love Trump and the way he thinks. Why must I be a Democrat? Democrats hate him.

    I love the way he knows how to use people. I think that's a good quality. He knows what message it sends and how people react to it. He's a master at it. Look at all his accomplishments!
