Friday, October 19, 2018

Liberals did what they do best - Harass Conservatives

“Tonight we tried to attend a debate watch party gone wrong. The liberal owner and employees and patrons verbally attacked many of my friends. It was just like the mobs on TV. That’s all I’m going to say. Republicans must book at Republican friendly places or someone will get hurt,” said Cruz supporter Morgan McComb on Facebook.

It's peculiar that it is only liberals who cause incidents such as this.

Read about it...


  1. "It's peculiar that it is only liberals who cause incidents such as this."

    Well, actually conservatives and their alt-right allies are involved in some things of their own.

    But when you only read "conservative news" you won't read about the 9 Proud Boys who are getting ready to surrender to the NYPD for beating the snot out of someone after their meeting at the Republican Met Club.

    You also probably wouldn't know about the Proud Boys and Miami Republicans trying to beat down the door of Donna Shalala's office in Coral Gables this week.

    When you exist in an information bubble, things aren't what they seem a lot of the time.

  2. Who backs the fascist liberal mobs who have gone off the rails because their girl lost? THAT is the danger.They don't even know why, just collecting a paycheck without actually working.
