Letters to the Editor
Palm Beach Post
October 16, 2018
Fix Lake Worth’s pool and casino building
It is cheaper to do it right and not make our Lake Worth Public Beach into a water theme park with cost estimates ranging from $1 million to as high as $30 million. This state has had two major coastal hurricanes in the last 12 months. You can call these extreme weather conditions or whatever you like, but in the end, the ocean is rising, the hurricanes are bigger and stronger and the devastation more extreme.
Moreover, where is the money coming from for this development? Another bond (debt?) to build, and more taxpayer dollars to rebuild after a major storm hits? This is not sustainable or smart on the part of the Lake Worth mayor and commissioners. The better plan would be to fix the pool and casino building that are languishing in disrepair.
So, mayor and commissioners, stop focusing on irresponsible and costly projects that serve the few and fix what we already have, so all of Lake Worth can simply enjoy a day at the beach.
This Lake Worth resident has spoken out about this subject before. He is fiscally responsible and just wants our pool to be repaired per the engineering report that city staff wants to ignore.
ReplyDeleteThey have a hole in their pocket on the penny sales tax $$$$$.
Just one thing--the city has given us recommendations and possibilities that involve anywhere from $14 million on up to $59 million.
This is INSANE!
Mr.Thomson is fiscally responsible.
Restoring our magnificent ocean front pool is a fiscally responsible way to recreate the beauty and ambience of our beach park without breaking the bank.
Saving these funds for future needs or to lower future taxes is respectful of Lake Worth taxpayers.
We do not need an obtrusive building project and more structures to destroy the natural quality of Lake Worth beach.
The fiscally responsible thing to do is scrap the outdated idea of a pool at the ocean. Install parking, more for residents and tourists to help with the deficit on the poorly designed building and call it a day. Term limits can be accomplished by voting out the commissioners who want to throw more tax payer dollars into that huge hole at our most valuable property only to have it lose money (Thousands) each and every day whether occupied or not.
ReplyDeleteFiscally responsible? Please show how fiscally responsible your plan is with numbers and not comparisons with a theoretic "scheme".
I\it's a park, anony at 2:21. no one has ever said that our beach had to be commercialised to make money. forget it. leave it the hell alone and fix the pool we have.
ReplyDeleteNot only should they not spend another dime on the ridiculous plans they put forward. They should fill in the pool and call it a day. I don’t trust them to fix it. The city can’t afford any of this. Why are they so eager to spend spend spend at the beach when 3/4 of the city looks like San Pedro Sula?
ReplyDeleteJust fix our pool! Many times the ocean is impossible to swim in-Bacteria,sharks ,rip tides,Man-O-war,etc. Our pool is an asset to everyone in the county.From aqua exercise classes to drowning prevention for children AND ADULTS.Our pool needs to be opened. Our Commissioners have no problem pouring millions into the Wimbley Gym. A NEIGHBORHOOD resource in a minority neighborhood that no one else in the city uses. The key here is MINORITY. People don't come from around the nation to use the Wimbley Gym! But God forbid any Commissioner point this out! The RACE CARD would immediately be called.
ReplyDeleteAll of your reasons for having a pool may or may not be valid. Having it at the ocean, in our most valuable piece of property so that it can lose the most money out of ANY OTHER LOCATION in the city because people have to get there first then pay $3 per hour with a two hour minimum plus admission is what is fiscally irresponsible.
ReplyDelete"Just fix the damn pool" is really ignoring the issues short and long term.
Your opinion, anonymous @4:16.
ReplyDeleteThe pool has ALWAYS BEEN there.
Market the damn thing.
You people are ignoring the issue--spending a hell of a lot of $$$$$$ that is not yours by the way.
I don't think they are going to fix the pool. There are many things that I want, but I know I am never going to get them. You would do well to stop longing for something that is not going to happen.
ReplyDeleteIt's a fantasy!
Gee Lynn, how many people had swimming pools in their back yards back in the '30's when Lake Worth built our saltwater pool in a different location?
ReplyDeleteShuffle board was also a major pastime for many of our residents.
Times change.
Look at pictures of how many people used to use the pool. Reality should start to set in. Market your dull boring pool all you want. People don't go to the beach to swim in a fresh water pool.
@Well, anonymous at 11:39--that's how little you know.
ReplyDeleteDo you know how many gallons of urine are in public pools? Gross, no thanks.
ReplyDeleteThat's why we treat pools with chemicals, etc on a regular basis. Our pool man comes 3 times a week.