Friday, October 5, 2018

Florida Police Benevolent Association Endorses DeSantis

Police Benevolent Association says Gillum is aligned with a radical anti-law enforcement group

Republican gubernatorial nominee Ron DeSantis picked up the endorsement of Florida’s largest police union on Wednesday and accused Democratic rival Andrew Gillum of being aligned with a “radical, anti-law enforcement” group and presiding over high crime as mayor of Tallahassee. [PBPost]


We don't want a cop hater as governor of this great state.

Vote Ron DeSantis on November 6


  1. Someone better tell the Sheriff of Leon County that Gillum "hates" him. From the article you link to:

    "Leon County Sheriff Walt McNeil, one of the sheriffs who endorsed Gillum on Wednesday, said the Tallahassee mayor has a cooperative relationship with law enforcement.

    “I have personally worked with Andrew, and have watched him work to build a safer community for our kids, work side by side with law enforcement to tackle violent crime, and stand up for common sense gun reform,” McNeil said."

    Lynn Anderson: the blogger who makes things up.

  2. I read the article you sent us to and Gillum has sheriffs endorsing him. How can that be if he is a "cop hater?"

  3. It helps to understand the hypocrisy of socialism. Everyone is equal but this doesn't apply to the leaders.

  4. Racism?

    That makes no sense. What do you mean?

  5. The cop endorsing Gillum is black. Connect the dots.

  6. Bribery. Now ask what THAT means.
