Thursday, October 18, 2018

Florida can't afford Andrew Gillum

DeSantis and Gillum Platforms

Anyone casting a vote for Andrew Gillum is doing so without knowing the facts and how he will totally screw up our great State of Florida. The question I ask Democrats:  Is regaining the power that important to put our state in jeopardy?

"Ron DeSantis' platform would maintain Florida’s status as a low tax state and a national economic leader; Andrew Gillum's "would cost $2.6 billion in additional state taxes, not including his support for Medicare-For-All, which will raise taxes significantly more" and put Florida on an economic par with some of the highest-taxed nations in Europe.

If Gillum proposes paying for his spending proposals through Florida’s corporate income tax, the report concludes that ... "his corporate tax rate would have to rise to 11 percent, just above Pennsylvania’s tax rate, and even surpassing California’s rate...

All told, the policy agenda Gillum proposes would require an increase in the corporate tax rate to the second highest in the United States, an increase in Florida’s sales tax to 39 percent, or the imposition of a state income tax as high as 37 percent (and a state income tax is only possible through a constitutional amendment)." [Sunshine State News]

Vote for Ron DeSantis on November 6
 and keep our state prosperous.


  1. This is sort of like "why would you vote for ANY Democrat" with the economy doing as well as it is?

    While Scott is as sleazy as they come with his dealings in the Hospital consolidation business and how he got rich from over billing the government, he has taken Florida to new heights in business development and cut taxes at every turn making us more competitive in the country versus high tax states.

    He even went to high tax places like California to entice companies to move their headquarters to Florida. He has by many accounts done a good job for Florida.

    Those of you who love higher taxes and nanny states should vote for Gillum.

  2. Which California companies moved to Florida?
