Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Downtown Lake Worth Block Party

Come on down and listen to Rock Doctors South Florida--My friend, Tripp Cioci will be playing bass.


  1. No way we are not going. It’s dangerous downtown at night and all the drunkards stumbling around cursing.

  2. They can have all the ridiculous festivals they want in Lake Worth, it's not going to bring business to an Avenue that all the stores have left because of higher rents.

    How stupid can the town be? All this does is bring more riff raff in to wander around in a stupor.

  3. Obviously neith above attended the last one. It had tons more people than the old Evening on the Avenues.

    Lost of stores did well. Some on J St didn't because traffic was diverted onto J instead of Dixie. If J St was made part of the "Party" it would be better for the whole Downtown.

    Lots of classic cars, bikes, and entertainment. First Friday of Every Month.

  4. That's because it was a novelty. Wait awhile!

  5. Didn't Lake Worth do the bikes thing a few years ago. I think it fizzled out. And that's when there were stores on the Avenue.

  6. How dare they close down the streets of my town, the streets I'm paying for the maintenance of, for this garbage celebration. There should be a law suit about this. The city better wise up! Get a day job!

  7. 11:10pm here, just want to congratulate 8:13 on a great troll comment, it’s better then mine so I tip my hat to you. See you tonight on The Avenue.

    PS: take a stroll on J street also. Have a great fun filled weekend in Lake Worth!
