Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Dan Patrick has a message - Vote Republican

An excerpt from a letter from Lt. Governor Dan Patrick of Texas. It pertains to Texas specifically but it is relative to all voters in our country.

"Early voting begins on October 22nd – 14 days from today.  We are entering the fourth quarter of this campaign and there is a lot on the line.  As I have been saying, this is a big choice election, and the choice is clear.

Democrats want bigger government, higher taxes, and less freedom.  They support open borders and oppose religious liberty and protections for innocent life.  They want to hack away at the Second Amendment.

Texas leads the nation in creating jobs and is competitive in the global economy because Texans have made a different choice – conservative Republican leaders who have made keeping business strong and communities secure a top priority.  Gov. Greg Abbott and I have a strong partnership and we will continue to advance our conservative agenda in the next legislative session, keeping our border secure and making sure local governments cannot increase property taxes without a vote of the people.

As we begin the countdown to Early Voting, remind your friends and family of what is on the line and encourage them to vote straight Republican."

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