Monday, October 22, 2018

Changing the name of our City of Lake Worth

It seems that all commissioners who were present at the Thursday night workshop is in agreement with changing the name of our city to Lake Worth Beach and wants it on the March ballot. Scott Maxwell was absent. The city manager and attorney are now tasked with coming up with some ballot language. Just more legal fees.

Not one word was mentioned about the cost involved, our history or anything relevant other than some perception of Lake Worth being attributed to some crimes that aren't really ours but those who have Lake Worth as an address who live in the county. I am totally against changing the name of our city. This subject comes up every 15-20 years or so. Ridiculous.

Changing the name of a city isn't all that simple--there's a big cost involved some of which is updating city maps and the Charter, notifying emergency responders so they don't head to the actual beach, changing signs, notifying mapping companies and notifying the U.S. Postal Service and package-delivery services. One would have to notify certain entities that involve checks, Social Security checks, payroll checks. And what about the deed to your home? Does that city have to be changed on that document or other important documents like your driver's license? What is the cost to each property owner? I want an accounting of the total costs including man hours to do this plus attorney fees.

The ballot language needs to include all the costs pertaining to a change of our city name, a town incorporated in 1913, so that people are not voting on just emotions thinking how wonderful it would be to add "beach" to our name. They need to understand the reality and facts of the situation.

And since this city administration has money burning in their pockets, cost does not seem that important to some and certainly not a concern to anyone on the dais.

Commissioners, stop trying to re-write our history. Stop changing everything. This is the City of Lake Worth that has a beach. It is unnecessary to change its historical name and one that has been in effect for 105 years.


  1. If they vote on the public hearing to put this on the ballot, it will prove they are listening to a handful of people who have been harping about this. You know who you are...AnaMaria.
    Most things put on the ballot will pass especially when they use taxpayer money to "educate" the public to this point of view.
    If this happens, I will not vote for anyone, ever again, on this dais.

  2. This represents just another stupid thing brought up by this commission. Not sure if Mike is leading them by the nose here or just listening to Scott. A little of both.

  3. Lake Worth again not understanding the root cause of a problem. Glossing it over is easier. Stupid ,lazy reporters will still be calling crimes happening in Boynton,Delray,Wellington and Greenacres crimes happening in Lake Worth. Only this time the stupid ,lazy reporters will be naming "Lake Worth BEACH" as crime central.Is this stupidity from the dais any surprise? These are the same idiots who thought that the destruction of John Prince Park would bring business to our downtown. They FORGOT TO THINK ABOUT the more than 1500 residents just across Lake Worth bridge that could come shop in our downtown if they wanted to. And they wouldn't have to pay for parking,or game tickets to do it. So why don't they come spend their money here?And speaking of Ana Maria-she tried to take over part of our neighborhood assoc by calling it her own.Back off,Bitch. She has a lot of nerve.

  4. Typical shallow solutions for those that mean well but just don't get it! This is exactly why LW has no $$$$ to spend on actually achieving success to improve the City.

  5. Except they only mean well for themselves.

  6. By whose authority does the Mayor have the right to change the name of this Town. Unfortunately, the Mayor is becoming a Tyrant, and her authority is going to her head.

    I hope the good people of Lake Worth use their authority at the next election to vote this folly down.

    Like many dictators before her; it seems she has declared herself Mayor for Life.

  7. This is all just busy work. Nobody is going to call Lake Worth anything but Lake Worth.

    How many times do you say Delray Beach, or West Palm Beach? It's Delray and West Palm.

  8. Anonomus at 11:30 AM, the news reports Delray as Delray Beach, West Palm as West Palm Beach both in print newspaper, periodicals and on air television. Don’t you watch the damn news!?!?

  9. Why are you worried about the news? Is it possible that you think you can get people to think of Lake Worth Beach as somehow, independent of the unincorporated territory they also refer to as Lake Worth. Do you think the news commentator is going to say "Not Lake Worth Beach folks, just plain old unincorporated Lake Worth". How many generations do you think that will take?

    Maybe you're watching too much news!

  10. @8:03. We have been the city of Lake Worth since 1913. All those wanting to change our name--Leave our name alone. People are like pit-bulls in this city. The commission is given some idea from some whacko and then they focus on it to make it happen.
    Leave our beach alone too!
    And get Boutwell Road opened for traffic.

  11. I think you meant to respond to 6:09.

  12. I agree with 8:03. I was just responding in general.
