Monday, October 15, 2018

Antifa Punks cause riot in Portland

Inspired by Mad Max, Crooked Hillary and Democrat losers in general, police in riot gear were called in to break up the bloody fight started by Antifa thugs against The Proud Boys who were having a religious gathering on Saturday night.

Oregon is another liberal, sanctuary state that has been infested with anarchists and illegals.


  1. The Proud Boys also had "a religious gathering" with Gavin McInnius at the Met Club in NYC this weekend.

    Google Gavin McInnis, Lynn. Learn something.

  2. How come you haven't learned anything yet? Still think you're the sharpest knife in the drawer. How come you lose elections, national as well as local?
    You should learn to STFU. :)
    Mentioned this incident on Facebook.

  3. Members of the right-wing group Patriot Prayer stationed themselves on a downtown Portland rooftop with a cache of guns prior to a summer protest, city officials announced for the first time Monday – the same day Mayor Ted Wheeler learned about it, his aides said.

    That shocking revelation came Monday as Portland officials scrambled to find a way to end the repeated violent clashes between dueling political factions downtown.

    "Prior to the start of a scheduled Aug. 4 demonstration, "the Portland Police Bureau discovered individuals who positioned themselves on a rooftop parking structure in downtown Portland with a cache of firearms," Wheeler said during a City Hall press conference. Berk Nelson, a senior mayoral aide, said the weapons included "long guns."

    The people on the rooftop were members of Patriot Prayer, said Assistant Chief Ryan Lee. Police officers seized their weapons that day, but they were later given back. No arrests were made because the protesters had not broken any laws, Lee said. The protesters all had licenses to carry concealed weapons, Lee said. Neither Lee nor Wheeler named the people who had guns seized."

  4. STFU? Stay classy Bite Me Hat Lady. The snowbirds are coming to crash at the Lake Osbotne shithole you call home, enjoy!

  5. @10:29-
    Now that's a real classy remark. Typical for a Democrat who can't take the truth. You go after age, invented racism, and now even my home. What a POS you are.
    P.S. Where do you live? Do you have the guts to comment under your real name? Didn't think so.

  6. Some are jealous of the clean and quiet lakeside condo complex we live and own in. Look around LW to see the real filth. Like 10:29's basement.

  7. 10:29 is a vicious Dem. can't expect more from them. hope they keep on losing.
