Thursday, October 25, 2018

Andrew Gillum - Wants to take money away from law enforcement

Dream Defenders:

This is a radical organization that demands an end to “disaster capitalism,” espouses socialist-style principals, rants against Independence Day and is active in the movement to boycott Israel while promoting anti-Israel conspiracies.

The Dream Defenders is supported by anti-Trump, anti-Capitalist Andrew Gillum.

Read about Gillum and why he would be horrible for Florida.

The problem is that Democrats want their power back and will vote for him anyway...Blacks will vote for him because he is...two stupid reasons to vote for this guy. And Terrie Rizzo, you should get smart again. You have totally sold your soul.


  1. Imagine if it were a REPUBLICAN candidate who took a bribe by an undercover FBI agent??? It would be headlining the news cycle non stop 24/7.HYPOCRITES !

  2. I don't think the news media discriminates against Blacks...just the opposite but they do tend to side with Democrats no mater what they do.
