Thursday, October 25, 2018

Andrew Gillum took FBI Corruption bait then Lied

FL Dem Gillum Took FBI Corruption Bait, Used Family as Excuse When Caught

Gillum, who is the mayor of Tallahassee (and continues to lie about most everything), and his long-time friend and former lobbyist Adam Corey, became entangled in an FBI probe regarding corruption in Tallahassee during the summer of 2016. [Conservative Tribune]

But Democrats don't care about other Democrats who lie or those who take gifts from lobbyists.

Gillum always plays the race card and quotes his grandmother who encouraged him with laconic words of wisdom. Gillum continues to bring up $145,000 in DeSantis travel, travel that is reported and part of his travel budget. According to Politifact, the money at issue comes from the Members' Representational Allowance, an annual allowance members of congress get to support their official and representational duties and has been broadly reported.

“When I worked with the FBI, I was doing it as a prosecutor to bring people to justice. When Andrew is dealing with the FBI, he’s dealing with an undercover agent as a person of interest in an investigation,” DeSantis said.

The Second Debate

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