Monday, October 29, 2018

Andrew Gillum--The Smooth talking candidate

What Andrew Gillum Really Thinks about School Choice

That's all he has--a smooth talking actor. Sometimes, and in politics, it seems we get veiled truths all of the time. It is what a candidate doesn't say that one has to discern in order to distinguish between the candidates.

Remember when Gillum went after DeSantis about receiving $200,000 from Betsy deVos? Well, he received "nearly 850,000 from the same group that sued Step Up For Students, the organization that administers scholarships to low-income families and won the support of the National Education Association, in part, because he opposes charter schools."

Read this article... to find out the truth--on charter schools and its children (about 12% of the kids in Florida)---that they "receive state funds based on how many students they teach, just like Every. Other. Public. School."


  1. heard today that this smooth talking Obama double is upset because desantis calls him by his last name and not sir

  2. Well, Obama was called by his last name only...that worked.
    He doesn't call Ron DeSantis by either name---it's "his opponent."

  3. Well I have to agree with Andrew on the charter school issue, they are terrible and not good for our public schools and teachers. I’m voting for Ron.

  4. So, anonymous @10:18, why do you believe that Charter Schools are "terrible." Because they get money for these students just like public schools get? Is it the $$$$?
