Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Anchor Baby Law

President Trump is ending birthright citizenship (anchor baby law), which has been an incentive to legal and illegal immigrants

Birthright citizenship (anchor babies) is an American phenomenon that grants immediate and lifelong citizenship to children born of foreigners who traveled to the United States solely to give birth. It is immoral, it is unethical, it is wrong, but it is legal.

Read about it... and those scamming our system and our laws.


  1. Well, he's talking about ending it. He'll have to find some way to take it out of the Constitution.

    I'm on the fence about this but it makes me mad that the people who say they love our Constitution so much want to change it. I guess they'll keep only the parts they like.

  2. Our Founding Fathers were brilliant beyond words but they never would have considered the growth of our nation and 7,000 aliens invading our borders with illegals coming here just to give birth so that their kids could be given $$$$ and all the perks that comes with citizenship.
    This is an INVASION--pure and simple.

  3. The Constitution was written a long time ago. The country needed immigration then. The country still needs qualified people, but not indiscriminate immigration like we have now.

    That should be obvious to everyone!

  4. That was then, this is now. Now wealthy pregnant women are flying here to give birth in facilities set up for that. When our constitution is taken advantage of by users it's past due for changes.

  5. Anchor babies are a right not given in the Constitution. They are a left wing perversion of the constitution.If you read about the intent of those who wrote this ,it clearly states that what is happening today was never intended.

  6. The Constitution was never meant to be a static document like the Bible. It should be changed according to how this country changes. Sometimes, not everyone needs equal rights or freedoms and this piece of paper needs to be adjusted according to whatever party is currently in power believes. Hopefully, a review of each amendment will take place and those that are needed or applicable anymore will be trashed.

  7. @9:41--that's damn scary what you just said. You must be a troll trying to push my buttons.

  8. I don't think it's scary at all. We start with the 14th and we looks at modernizing this 242 year old document. Like you said, the 14th needs tweeked and all I'm proposing is that we do the same to any other amendments that need updated.

    Why is that so scary? We have a chance of a lifetime with Trump and Congress and the Supreme Court on our side. We should take advantage of it.
