Sunday, September 23, 2018

We are one Nation under God


  1. "Obama, June 28, 2006 (prepared remarks): Given the increasing diversity of America's population, the dangers of sectarianism have never been greater. Whatever we once were, we are no longer just a Christian nation; we are also a Jewish nation, a Muslim nation, a Buddhist nation, a Hindu nation, and a nation of nonbelievers."

    Where does the Bible address a man who pays off pornstars and Ms. America's to keep quiet about the sex they had while the man was married?

    How many Sundays has Trump attended church instead of golfing?

  2. Oh that's right--your Obama went to Jeramiah Wright's Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago for 20 years and heard all those subversive sermons like "God damn America." Obama didn't take a stand against him until it became politically expedient to do so.
    And don't throw up he saids she saids to me. You have no idea what the president does on Sundays or any other day of the week for that matter. You are too hell bent on destroying him.

  3. You posted a graphic that takes something Obama said out of context to give readers the impression that he said something else. It's misleading and it's wrong.

    Trump golfs on Sunday. There is something called the press pool that follows him to the golf course every Sunday morning. So, yes, not only I, but anyone who keeps up with the news knows he golfs every Sunday.

  4. Barak Hussein learned to preach to us from the racist,just barely black rev. Wright, then tried to sweep him under the rug but it was crowded under there with all his white family who had served their purpose for his first election. After that, he was "black"

  5. America was never "just a Christian nation"as Obama referred to it. It is a PREDOMINATELY Christian nation that welcomes all other faiths. Obama never quite got that. I have never seen a President stand with more faiths than Trump has.Most importantly,having been raised in the Christian faith and having repented his past lifestyle, Trump has a generous and Godly heart.Having been raised a Muslim,Obama was taught from an early age to hate the Jewish people and to look down on all other faiths. America is one Nation under GOD ,not one nation under ALLAH. Obama never quite got that either.

  6. Seriously, Do you think Jesus would approve of this silly arguing? Aren't there some Christians that could use your help in North Carolina? Go to Publix and make a donation. Vent your spleen that way!

  7. Jesus would be happy that Christians are defending their faith, that there is a God and for standing up to non-believers, the evil ones.

  8. 2:21 Seriously,who do you think gave us Donald Trump as the leader of the greatest Christian Nation on Earth?Donald Trump is God's anointed one. Satan's minions are falling before him.Praise Jesus! And P.S. =Do you seriously think that Jesus would approve of the millions of unborn babies murdered and used to feed the evil one? I can still wear the armor of God and do the shopping.Millions of us in this country do this each and every day.Does that disgust,surprise or scare you? As for donations-Christians just like me are in the front lines of every disaster this nation faces. Praise God. Everyone reading this needs to keep our Commander in Chief in Prayer every day.

  9. I wish you could hear Maxwell read the letters at mass on sundays.if the words could be heard maybe people would settle down and listen to each other instead of just their own words
