Saturday, September 8, 2018

Somali Muslim cop targeted in $50 million lawsuit

Muslim migrant shoots woman dead

And he was a cop, an immigrant from Somalia and evaluated in 2015 for having psychological problems. He was hired anyway by Minneapolis. And he shot an unarmed, innocent woman.

"Noor, a Somali-American officer, already had been sued for alleged unprofessional behavior. That claim involved a female and accusations of brutality." [WND]

And for a little trivia--Minnesota has a Muslim population of about 150,000 and in 2006, it became the first state in the US to select a Muslim representative to Congress (some of whom who say he is a socialist), Keith Ellison, who is also Deputy Chair of the DNC. He is now running for Minnesota Attorney General.

Read about it...

1 comment:

  1. Minnisota is going Sharia law as planned sneakily by Obama.
