Thursday, September 20, 2018

Socialism doesn't work - Vote Ron DeSantis for Governor

Ron DeSantis for Governor of Florida

Not only would it not work for our nation but it won't work for Florida and Andrew Gillum would undo all Governor Rick Scott's achievements that have benefited our state.


  1. Right. Look for a state income tax with Gillum.

  2. In addition to a state income tax look for a 40% tax on ALL businesses in the state of Florida. Gillum is also pushing for a 25 % increase in our sales tax. Goodbye jobs. Hello sanctuary state. Welfare will explode in Florida.Hospitals will close. I don't know any Dr.'s or nurses that will work for free or below what the average illegal burger flipper makes per hour. Gillum wants a state full of victims dependent on the government.Get ready for out of control crime . Oh, but the teachers unions will be happy. You know, the whores who gleefully taught our children how to be socialists in the first place.

  3. 10:11am I hope voters will hear your well stated warning. Florida is ripe for destruction.
