Friday, September 28, 2018

Search and Destroy, a National Disgrace

Kavanaugh update: Game, set, match! He has the votes, will be confirmed

Last night, liberals mocked Judge Kavanaugh for being so emotional during his testimony, (only his entire life has been torn apart). In spite of all nine hours of testimony from him and Blasey-Ford, the Judiciary Committee will confirm him this morning at 9:30. It was obvious to the nation and to the world, this entire matter was all about bringing down Kavanaugh by the Democrats with the cooperation of the left-wing media--all a national disgrace.

Even the Palm Beach Post headline this morning was entitled 'What They Remembered." To be accurate, it should have read, "What They Said." There is a big difference in remembering and spouting off unproven allegations. We are innocent until proven guilty in America. Everyone, especially men, is now a potential target of liberals and their power grab.

"American politics has always been a slimy, gutterball business, but Senate Democrats have taken the world’s second-oldest profession to a new, unprecedented depth, from which it may never recover."

Read about it...


  1. I watched all day yesterday and it was so sad. I cried during both speeches. There was so much pain for both sides and we'll never know for sure what happened. But what is for sure is that we saw the character of the people and the character of the Nation. We saw how people handled the speeches and the issues and we actually saw our character reflected in how we behaved. These type of things continue to show us who we really are and what we stand for...or don't stand for.

  2. Yes it was frightening to see how an unproven minor accusation could cause such a circus. Horrible how corrupt Diane Feinstein is. Hope this ends the war on men.

  3. A person can be dragged thru the mud because a person points their finger and accuses them of something with absolutely NO PROOF? EVERY person from the President on down to the person reading this is entitled to the presumption of innocence! To see Senators and "news media" claiming that it was the job of THE ACCUSED to prove their innocence should enrage EVERY AMERICAN !

  4. Yes,enraged and baffled that the story contained in this lie calls it sexual assault, at least those of us who know what an assault is.

  5. "Dr" Ford thought she was about to be raped, well I thought I would win the lottery and I'm still poor. Who can I blame for that?

  6. I'm glad there is going to be an investigation that will surely exonerate Kavanaugh once and for all. Actually, I'm hoping that they determine that the Clintons were behind all this just like Kavanaugh said. The truth is the truth and why should we be afraid of it? The people that need to be afraid are the people who are paying Ford millions of dollars and trying to take over America. Bring it on, right? Once Kavanaugh is hired then he can work with Trump to bring down all the Democrats. Bring them all up on charges and clear them out before going after the real enemy of the people! Once CNN, the New York Times and the Washington Post are destroyed America will be America once again. MAGA2020.
