Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Obama can't take Credit for booming U.S. Economy

Obama is trying now to convince the country that he was more effective than president Trump--in every way, mind you. He's pandering to his base and impressionable college kids. All stats discredit his claim.

"Kevin Hassett, chairman of the White House Council of Economic Advisers, spoke during a White House press briefing in Washington, D.C., on Monday. He met with reporters for the second time in a week to press the case that Trump’s tax cuts and deregulatory policies have fostered a boom and that boom has nothing to do with Obama." [MarketWatch]

One thing for sure, Obama can't compare with president Trumps' energy. But who can?


  1. I remember when Republicans used to consider the deficit as an indicator of economic health.

    I even remember when Republicans used to hang it around Democrat's necks even if the overall economic picture was great.

  2. He was president for 8 years. Get over it.

  3. I don't remember that and I am older and wiser than you are. :)
    The only time the economy was really something to brag about was back when Bill Clinton was president. The only thing that people hung around his head back then was Monica, oral sex, rape, and that sort of thing. Other than that, most people liked him.

  4. Obama is continuing to do what he did as president-whatever he could to put our country behind all others, especially Muslim ones.
    His bragging about his term in office makes me very happy he is gone.
    It would be proper for him to fade away but he can't stand to not be the center of attention.
    Please fade away.

  5. You don't remember much these days, Lynn. But it doesn't mean it didn't happen. Now Republicans ignore the tremendous debt they're generating and passing on to future generations.

  6. Yeah, right--I have dementia. LOL
    Under President Obama, the national debt grew the most dollar-wise. He added $8.588 trillion. This 74 percent increase was the fifth-largest. Obama's budgets included the economic stimulus package. It added $787 billion by cutting taxes, extending unemployment benefits, and funding public works projects.

  7. CBO is projecting a trillion dollar deficit by the end of this year, Lynn.

    But that isn't even the point. The point is that Republicans are dead set against huge deficits, let alone record ones, but they totally ignore them when a Republican president is running it up.

    It's hypocrisy of the highest order.

  8. Obama nearly doubled the national debt to just south of $20 trillion. Total U.S. National Debt has now decreased by over $100 billion.

  9. "President Trump’s Republican Party will create more debt in one year than was generated in the first 200 years of America’s existence."


  10. That's not a nice comment, Lynn. I know you made it. It has your ugliness, hate and bigotry all over it.

    <--- :) --->


  11. Get rid of the population growth that is putting pressure on our national debt. It was projected when Obama was president that our debt would increase about $1 trillion a year. Obama increased the national debt during his term by 86%. It takes a super-majority in Congress for the budget. Democrats want to spend.
    I'm not qualified to talk about the national budget but we need a balanced budget amendment...don't spend more than we take in. Simple. The interest on our debt must be astronomical.

  12. @8:07--just found this comment and just now posted it. Obviously you were referring to the comment at 9:51.

    It always amazes me that I am attributed to every comment on this blog. There are 62 million people who voted for this administration. There are 62 million people with different opinions than yours. Unfortunately, some are disagreeable but Democrats have so many more that are disgusting.

    Get over yourself.
