4 Key Points Nobody’s Addressing About Trump’s Federal Pay Decision
"President Donald Trump announced he’s not granting the usual 2.1 percent pay hike for federal employees, prompting staunch opposition from many Democratic lawmakers.In recent years, the Congressional Budget Office and conservative think tanks, the Heritage Foundation and the American Enterprise Institute, all produced reports finding federal compensation packages far outpace the private sector." Nearly one in three federal employees — 32.3 percent in 2015 — are either union members or have jobs covered by an employee association contract.
We are all under the impression that employees in the City of Lake Worth get good employment packages. It has now been suggested by the Lake Worth Finance Advisory Board that the minimum wage be increased to $15.00 for Lake Worth workers. Also, there are some employees at the City who feel that those in the IBEW get preferential treatment by the City in wages, benefits, etc. in comparison to those represented by the PEU and PMSA.
Government employee salaries are good for the most part but federal compensation packages are more than generous. As of 2014, the federal government employed 2,711,000 people (excluding non-civilian military).
Read the article... that justifies and explains what the President has decided.
That news is 3 days old. He is going to give them their raises this week.
Yes. He's getting a lot of expected push-back about this as Obama had many pay freezes and benefit cuts. Anything is subject to change.