Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Murder in Lake Worth

Man found shot to death in Lake Worth

Last night, I was standing on the balcony talking to one of our owners who mentioned how unsafe this area and Lake Worth has become. He told me to be very careful when I am down at John Prince Park in the evening hours taking sunset shots. It's a hell of a way to live.

Yesterday, Katie called me about PBSO and 20 vehicles surrounding Orange Grove Trailer park on 6th Avenue South directly west of I-95. This park is directly behind my community. I never heard a shot. I have heard many shots coming from that place but not this time. I peeked through the fence and saw nothing.

Read about it...


  1. Instead of worrying about stolen shopping carts, can we address the violence in our city? The gangs and the illegals?

  2. peeked through the fence and saw nothing... Classic!

  3. Why did they need 20 cop cars surrounding the area for a dead body? It's not like it was an active shooter site. Miss use of resources BIG TIME !

  4. WE moved out of the City of Lake Worth because of all the crime, all the illegals and its sanctuary status, and the greedy elected making such high salaries, but doing nothing about all the crime, blight, and illegals. It is not a safe place to be or live.

  5. @9:50--
    saw no activity.
    saw no cop cars.
    saw no people at all.
    Very quiet for a scene with 20 PBSO vehicles.
    They must have thought there was a possibility of an active shooter in the park.
    What would you have done? Entered the mobile home park and walked around? That would have been "classic."

  6. It’s just a “classic” line. One of the best I’ve read on this here blog, just find it humerus. Thank you

  7. 1:26pm "humerus" is that a middle eastern spread?

  8. No, that's the long bone in the upper arm. Thanks for making me laugh!
