Friday, September 28, 2018

Judiciary Committee and Lindsey Graham

There are currently 20 members of the Judiciary Committee, 11 members of the majority party, and 9 members of the minority party. Therefore, Brett Kavanaugh will move forward to the Senate for a vote to be the next Supreme Court Justice of the United States.

The hero of the hearing was Senator Lindsey Graham--

"This is the most unethical sham since I've been in politics. And if you really wanted to know the truth, you sure as hell wouldn't have done what you've done to this guy.”


  1. Here you were not even two years ago, Lynn:

    "Lindsey Graham, who is considered a RINO, needs to calm down right along with all the others who constantly complain and protest for not winning the election and continue to demonize the President Elect."

    You have no principles. Never had any. Never will. Just like every other "conservative" who supports Trump.

  2. Hey Democrat--We all know the people with ZERO principles.
    The Lindsey Graham statement was during the election. Everyone says dumb azz things during an election when they want to win. Graham got 1% of the vote. Since then, he has supported and is loyal to the president, the best in my lifetime
    Why don't you?

  3. Senior Graham's impassioned comments on the disgraceful treatment of Judge Cavanaugh pointed out how low the Democrats have sunk in their attempt to sabotage his nomination.
    The hearing could have been done in private in California but the anti Trump attorneys didn't tell Dr. Ford that the private option was available because they wanted to pillory Judge Kavanaugh on national TV.
    Senator Graham's comments were the highlights of the hearing and a wonderful antidote to the smarmy questions and statements
    of the assembled Democrats grandstanding and running for President and re-election.

  4. Another highlight was Diane Crimestein squirming under questioning and lying about leaking the letter. Also Spartacus unable to be smart enough to spar with Judge Kavanaugh.Booker is a hypocrite
