Thursday, September 20, 2018

Judge Kavanaugh's mother presided over forecloser on Accuser's parents' home

We already have mentioned the foreclosure case that came before Brett Kavanaugh's mother, Judge Martha Kavanaugh, regarding Christine Blasey-Ford' parents.

If Ford, who was 26 at the time of this foreclosure case had told her parents of this supposed assault by Kavanaugh, they would have asked Brett's mother to recuse herself from this case, at least a rational normal person would have.

Read the case... which is the Maryland Judiciary Case Search Criteria page. In the “Case Number” search column, type 156006V and click “Get Case.”

Instead of Blasey-Ford requesting an FBI investigation on Brett Kavanaugh on something that she says happened 36-37 years ago that can't be proved--no witnesses, no proof, no facts, no time, no year, no place--perhaps someone needs to suggest that she get a psychiatric evaluation.

This is nothing but stinky liberal bad politics by Democrats to derail the nomination of a highly qualified Constitutional judge.


  1. Fake news alert.

  2. @7:19- I gave you the proof in the link that was provided. What is wrong with you Democrats?

  3. I guess I could counter with a "I gave you the proof in the link I provided. What is wrong with you Trumpsters?", but I won't.

    It isn't about being one political persuasion or the other. It's about taking the time to read and consider ALL the facts versus just the ones you want to hear.

  4. You Trump haters can obstruct all that you want. I gave you the government link to the court case. Snopes is not an authority in this instance. So, it has nothing to do with what we want to hear but it has to do with the FACTS. Keep using Snopes (the liberal site) when it suits you. Also, it has been said that George Soros' (the socialist and liberal supporter) money is behind them. This has been unproven but still out there for consideration.

  5. Snopes-two fat asses on a couch in a basement. With a cat.

  6. Keep up the thankless task of trying to get the truth out to mentally deranged Liberals Lynn. Helen Keller's teacher never gave up on her so maybe one day Lynn a bind and deaf lib will finally see the light.They really are a pitiful bunch. Libs can't think for themselves and the thought of having to do so puts them into a stubborn panic. All of their lives they have been spoon fed and swaddled in a cocoon of self indulgent ignorance by their parents, teachers and peers.Honest debate that gives them a choice in what they can think is terrifying and disorienting to them. They have sadly become the "I know you are but what am I" generation.KEEP TRYING LYNN! And live by the motto of Winston Churchill. Good luck,and may God be with you!

  7. And now Politifact says it's false...

  8. She presided over the case and dismissed a foreclosure action against accuser Ford's parents if yu read the link I gave.

  9. So now you're saying it was dismissed, which is accurate. The graphic you posted two days ago (and referred to again in this blog post) says Kavanaugh's mother ruled against them. So which it, Lynn?

    And if the case was dismissed and settled amicably between parties, what does it have to do at all with the current controversy? Why even bring it up unless your purpose is to mislead and misinform your readers?

  10. @6:20--Never said that she ruled against them.
    Never tried to confuse.
    Democrats are confused a lot.

  11. Right. You "never said" that she ruled against just posted a graphic that said it...and then you referred to that post today by saying that you had already "mentioned" that case.

    It's all about misleading. Even this exchange is about misleading because you have yet to yank the graphic that contains all sorts of false information and you continue to argue about whether a state case in MD exists. Of course it exists. It's the conspiracy theory that you promoted with the graphic and continued on with today that doesn't make sense or exist.

    You do this on a regular basis here. Having said that, I will say that most times you delete my comments that contain the truth and the facts. So this one time, I do appreciate you not deleting my comments. It's a step in the right direction, I guess.

  12. Big deal--anonymous @ 9:51. you really have problems with anything not liberal progressive socialistic, etc. LOL
    I delete a lot of your posts because you continue to come over here with a lot of false crap.
    So, you will have to put up with this conservative's point of view.
    And, no, I will not delete that meme as the only thing inaccurate on it was the foreclosure point. Blasey-Ford gives a bad name to all women and of course, all Democrats.
