Saturday, September 29, 2018

Jeff Flake and the rest of the flakes - The Big Stall

“I wish that I could express the confidence that some of my colleagues have conveyed about what either did or did not happen in the early 1980s, but I left the hearing yesterday with as much doubt as certainty.

The presumption of innocence is what binds us to the rule of law.

While some may argue that a different standard should apply regarding the Senate’s advice and consent responsibilities, I believe that the Constitution’s provisions of fairness and due process apply here as well.

I will vote to confirm Judge Kavanaugh”

~ Jeff Flake

And then the Committee took a break. Flake was accosted in an elevator by four hostile  and one screaming woman, demanding that he look at her when she was speaking, who were planted by the Democrats. After that, the Democrats lead him into a small room and "turned" him. He then had a caveat to his vote to confirm Kavanaugh on the Senate floor--an FBI investigation even though the Judge has been through six FBI investigations. Flake is a weak man who is stepping down from the Senate at the end of the year. Other RINO's are Collins and Murkowski.

This latest betrayal of Flake and the political strategy of the Democrats will go on for a very long time. It won't be just a week. This is all to stop President Trump and any nomination of his to the Supreme Court with their ultimate goal of impeaching Trump.

1 comment:

  1. No one person or peer group should be able to twist a vote and all should remain quiet when questioned, no statements. Unprofessional.
