Saturday, September 15, 2018

Florida's numbers are strong

$223 Million Surplus Reflects Florida's Sound 'Conservative Financial Decisions'

"Senate Appropriations Chairman Rob Bradley, R-Fleming Island, who chairs the joint budget panel of House and Senate members, said the positive numbers are a sign of Florida’s strong economy and the conservative financial decisions made by lawmakers."

And now the Democrats are running a socialist, Andrew Gillum, for Florida governor who wants to screw all of that up! He wants to raise corporate taxes, Medicare for all, wants to be a friendly state for illegals, supports the legalization of marijuana, wants a $15 minimum wage and basically, he wants this state to look more like California.


If you want our state to remain healthy, vote for Ron DeSantis, a fiscally responsibly candidate for Florida governor. And remember, it was under Governor Rick Scott's leadership that our state is healthy and prosperous.

Read about Balanced Budget passed in Florida

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