Saturday, September 22, 2018

Crazy California

California proposing gov't take over 'fake news' fight

California pounds another nail in coffin of First Amendment

It makes sense California would do this. A state that passes laws prohibiting parents of children with gender dysphoria from getting professional help ... or proposing a law that would have effectively banned Bible sales and made churches targets of LGBTQ lawsuits ... doesn't care about the First Amendment.

California is one giant slippery slope for liberty, so this bill to fight "fake news" on social media awaiting Gov. Brown's signature should be no surprise.

But it should scare you.

Fortunately, legal teams are geared up and telling the state to bring it on. [WND]

Read about the whacky idea coming out of California


  1. The only people it should scare is people who post fake news, right?

  2. WRONG, @1:35. Anyone who believes in the Constitution should be worried about this abuse of power from a left-wing crazy governor who wants to censor conservative speech. Liberals don't know what "fake news" is.

  3. Oh, I see. So if Texas, a "conservative state," wanted to ban fake news or if, say Trump decided to ban fake news, that would be okay because they are Republicans and they know what they're talking about and they believe in the Constitution. It's okay if Republicans do it, but it's a threat to the Constitution when liberals do it.

    Do I have that right?

  4. There should be NO ban on speech...PERIOD. And a ban would be subjective depending upon the politics of the situation. NO BAN. People should be smart enough to figure out who or what is giving them the facts.

  5. "People should be smart enough to figure out who or what is giving them the facts."

    Agree. So if you honestly believe that, why do you delete comments that are providing additional information for your readers to consider?

  6. We are talking about "fake News Media" here...not my blog. If you would just comprehend the policy on this blog, you would know that FALSE comments will not be published. I have suggested to you on many occasions to write your own blog and stop harassing me and conservatives...stop thinking you are the smartest knife in the drawer. There are not too many places people can go to get the conservative perspective 4especially in ultra liberal Lake Worth. So, if you want to post liberal propaganda, go somewhere else. Simple. Too simple for ya?

  7. Look, Lynn, you write a public blog. But yet you only expect people who agree with your views to leave comments.

    You declare "people should be smart enough to figure out who or what is giving them the facts!"...but you delete comments and then state that only applies to newspapers and not blogs.

    You have a comment policy that prohibits name-calling and bullying, but almost every post and every comment (both under your name and the ones you create anonymously) have some elements of both in them.

    You apparently consider yourself that "conservative news" outlet for Lake Worth. That's fine but with that goes the responsibility of not intentionally and purposefully misinforming your readers with news that is demonstrably false. "Conservative news" doesn't have to be news that makes things up in order to be critical of liberals. I'm not sure why you feel otherwise.

    I don't want liberal propaganda. But it would be nice if people like yourself would stop filling their readership's heads with fake news and false information in order to scare or mislead them. I read conservative writers all the time and while I don't always agree with them, they don't fill their essays or posts with outright and bold lies...and if they do get something wrong, they're adults and admit to it, correct it or delete it.

  8. Look anonymous--sorry you are so pis*ed. I write a CONSERVATIVE blog...not a blog for you to come over here and rave and rant your liberal outlandish BS.
    Now, if I want to swear on my own blog I will.
    No one is ever going to convince a looney tune but I want the conservative agenda out there.
    Liberals are nothing but a bunch of uninformed sheep and they are getting worse in this country. Lake Worth is a lost cause.
    Were you at the protest at Mar-a-lago yesterday wearing your silly pink pussy hat? SICK SH!T

  9. ALL ideas from California are whacky. Hollywood made the "single mom" by choice a norm.
