Friday, September 21, 2018

Blasey-Ford high school yearbook filled with promiscuous parties

Bombshell: Kavanaugh Accuser’s Salacious High School Yearbooks Scrubbed

Christine Blasey Ford’s yearbooks describe wild sex parties, blackouts, erotic male dancers

Christine Blasey Ford’s high school yearbooks, which are filled with references to drunken promiscuous parties where the attendees were not able to remember what happened, have been scrubbed from the Internet.

Read about it... and see the photos.


  1. Thank U for posting. If the alleged yearbook is indeed factual, this should make clear the mind of the accuser back in high school days. I condemn her not for her high school behavior, when I consider my own past hi school stupidities. Should we have behaved so foolishly? Of course not! But that’s high school.

  2. Nothing to see here, even the vague accusation is no crime yet the hypocrites call it assault. Unbelievable is the amount of attention this silly female is getting.

  3. Really sad the finger pointing game can last so many years. I think she is a psycho.

  4. Seems like she was a drunken party girl in high school. That's why she cannot remember who was there, where or when it happened, and any specifics about the alleged assault.

    Her attorney probably encouraged her to play the victim so the two could delay and sabotage the appointment of this wonderfully qualified judge who is also an exemplary human being, coaching children and feeding the homeless.

  5. Typical Democrat @5:37.
    Watch your language.
    InfoWars has monthly page views of 28,822,257
    Guess I'm not the only American, anonymous.

  6. She is paid by planned parenthood to continue the sale of baby parts. Follow the money.
