Thursday, September 27, 2018

Blasey-Ford hearing

Well, the question for the day is--will she actually show up and testify?

This is a political cartoon that appeared in the Indianapolis Star, one for which its editor eventually apologized...politically incorrect they must have thought. Or, freedom of speech is a one-way street in the news media. 


  1. Well, if Feinstein will STFU, maybe we will her her "testimony."

  2. From party girl to prima Donna in just 40 years, the American dream.

  3. I have to go along with the coach from Tennessee who said: "Girls pretty much ruin everything."

    What is going on?

  4. What's going on is a media frenzy and sneak attacks on our president. Not all women believe this crap and some of us are secure to be just female liking the real men. The first order of business should be to dismantle Roe v Wade because this is what has caused this mess.

  5. I liked the post about waiting for a bus. I can relate. Until today, I was a registered Independent; starting tomorrow, I will be a registered Republican. Not because they are perfect people, but they don't even come close to the rot permeating the Democratic Party. I don't even care if he did it: My vote is to confirm!

  6. @5:23...Row vs. Wade will NOT be dismantled. It is the law of the land. There are so many processes that this would have to go through that it will never happen, IMO. The Supreme Court can't just make a decision to over-throw it.
