Saturday, September 29, 2018

Blaise Ingoglia on Andrew Gillum

State documents: Gillum records tied to ‘active criminal investigation’

A new report from Politico confirmed that Andrew Gillum has records tied to an "active criminal investigation" and that these same records have been “accessed by governments or law enforcement agencies 106 times.”

I have two questions for Andrew Gillum:

• Why in the world would law enforcement request his records over 100 times if he wasn’t one of the main focuses of an ongoing corruption investigation?
• Why would his attorney issue statements to the press if he wasn’t worried that what he would say could possibly be used against him later in a court of law?

Where there is smoke, there is usually fire, and there appears to be an inferno of suspicion surrounding Andrew Gillum. Please share this information with your friends and call on Andrew Gillum to tell the truth. We, the voters, deserve answers.


Blaise Ingoglia
Chairman, Republican Party of Florida

State documents: Gillum records tied to ‘active criminal investigation’

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