Sunday, September 9, 2018

A few reminders on Obama - Not that we need or want them

Now that he is back (you know, the one who wanted to transform America) on the campaign trail, I want to remind everyone of a few things that he said--source: Chicago Tribune

“Making sure our politics reflect America’s best”
The 2016 presidential campaign was among the nastiest on record. WikiLeaks revealed unprecedented collusion between journalists and the Clinton campaign. Earlier, Obama had been the first president in U.S. history to refuse public campaign money. He was also the largest fundraiser of private cash and the greatest collector of Wall Street money in the history or presidential campaigns. Now we saw the Democrats in action at the Kavanaugh hearing.

“Protecting voting rights”
Trumped up riots followed the Trump presidential election. Democrats, without merit, joined failed Green Party candidate Jill Stein’s recount in key swing states they lost. Progressives are berating the constitutionally guaranteed Electoral College. State electors were being subject to intimidation campaigns.

Let's keep on Making America Great!


  1. You forgot the millions of people who voted illegally! They're still out there and I bet they'll vote again in November making sure that libs and their sanctuary cities stay around. I estimate there's at least 30 to 50 million ready to vote for nothing but Democrats and what are we doing? Nothing!

    If Trump loses this November, it's his own fault because he should be making sure these dirty illegals don't vote and he isn't doing nothing about it. How can we let him know that he support wiping out these fake voters? Why aren't we doing anything in Lake Worth?

    Build The Wall!

  2. Calm down @6:09.
    Illegals can't vote. They can vote for the School Board in several states beginning this year.

  3. What do you mean they can't vote. Tens of millions of them voted in 2016 and they're going to do it again. Typical lib thinking it isn't even happening!

    No wonder America is going down the tubes.
