Tuesday, August 21, 2018

The Neighbor from Hell - Pure Trash

No matter where you might live in Lake Worth, there are always people who have no respect for their neighbors or themselves. They care about nothing or anyone. You know the type...pure trash. We have one such neighbor here. He is moving today and we are all rejoicing.

Yesterday, this man who has lived in our community for six years, had his son and some friend move his furniture from his 2nd floor apartment onto trucks. When it started, we just all assumed his furniture was being moved to his new residence. No such luck. He was  very much aware of the rules and was told about them.

You see, he is closing on his unit today and needed it empty. His son and companion then proceeded to drive around the building and empty the furniture into dumpsters. They made several hauls even though they were told that what they were doing was not allowed. They didn't give a damn. We were just pesky irritants to him.

When I talked to the son of the owner who was doing the dumping, he proceeded to get arrogant. I have subsequently learned that he was just hired at the Boynton Beach Police Department as a policeman. This has not been verified but a Board Director in that building says that is a fact.

All of us who were out there watching his illegal dumping received smart aleck remarks from him. At several points he even waved to us from a distance, his way of saying "screw you, this community and your rules."  Of course, the rules are the City of Lake Worth's.

We called PBSO and after an hour or so an officer showed up. He said he couldn't do anything because it was private property. However, the trash bins belong to the city. So I don't understand why he just couldn't be bothered to write a report. I guess we don't pay these people enough.

I called my absolute favorite city employee, our director of Public Works, Jamie Brown, during this and he said that he would take care of it. He did just that at 7am this morning.

The City Utility Department was called and the reprobate will be paying for his illegal dumping.


  1. for some unknown reason, people want to trash our city. they get away with it and continue to do it. so sick of the deadbeats in Lake Worth.

  2. Report this jerk to the Boynton Beach police dept. I should say WARN them ! Nobody like this needs to be in a position of authority!

  3. And of course,the lazy PBSO did nothing. What a surprise. You probably woke him from his nap somewhere.
