Friday, August 24, 2018

The Hogg now wants to run for Congress and kick seasoned Democrats to the curb

David Hogg plans to run for Congress when he’s 25

"Speaking to New York Magazine, Hogg described his ideal seven-year plan, which culminates with him running for the House of Representatives when he’s 25." He wants older Democrats to step down and says they won't move off the F-ing plate.

The only problem here is the simple fact he won't be any smarter 7 years from now. Kids always think they're smarter than everyone else but he's just more arrogant than most. Many of his peers will actually grow up by then.

Read about Hogg and his "Hoggwash."


  1. Hogg, did he forget he only got 15 minutes?

  2. What makes you think he won’t smart up & see the light like you did?

  3. 2:40pm it's called experience,look into it.
