Monday, August 27, 2018

Prisoners demanding "rights"

Prisoners in 17 US States to Strike Over Forced Labor

Inmates across 17 states are planning a national strike through September 9 to protest conditions of forced labor and draw attention to the industries benefiting from their cheap labor."

Has anyone heard anything about this? Rights and what prisoners are paid are established by the states.

Read about it...

Prisoner rights


  1. Brubaker was a wonderful movie that explains PLAINLY why using cheap prison labor is wrong in every way! Thought slavery was over?!? Look at the US stats of how many we CAGE and for what!?! - Remember - No Victim - No Crime!

  2. In 2015, it cost $31,977.65 ($87.61 per day) to house a federal prisoner. These people are criminals. And many times you can prove a murder case without a victim. There are a lot of sleazeballs out there and we need to have more of them in prison. BUILD THE WALL. Nothing wrong with prison labor. They are not there to watch color tv all damn day. :)

  3. "United States represents about 4.4 percent of the world's
    population, it houses around 22 percent of the world's prisoners."

    "In the last forty years, incarceration has increased with rates
    upwards of 500% despite crime rates decreasing nationally."

    You like movies - watch Brubaker and make this easy! OF COURSE
    the Bad Guys should stay in prison but it's MATH and the US% is wack!

  4. Poor prisoner babies, send them to Russia gulag, El Salvador or China to do hard time, liberal pussy lawyers and political activists don’t know how blessed they are.

  5. 4:28pm it's called law and order, I guess you have not come face to face with evil, entitled crime.How sheltered.
