Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Priorities in Lake Worth

Gardens to spend $3.5 million on baseball complex improvements while Lake Worth moved to destroy theirs

While Palm Beach Gardens is pouring in more than $3 million to improve their baseball fields and will spend sales tax money building two additional fields for the kids, Lake Worth has rezoned their ball fields in the north end, happy to give up more green space, in order to allow development of more housing. Anything for a tax base in Lake Worth.

Lake Worth wants to use the penny sales tax money to yank out our Olympic pool and build God knows what. What say you, Commissioners?


  1. Time to eliminate CRA in areas where development is approved.

    We citizens need a larger tax base, not areas where the tax revenue goes away from the general fund and into the CRA.


  2. Nobody plays baseball in Lake Worth. We need soccer fields, playgrounds and skate parks.

  3. Well, do the illegals SWIM any more?

  4. I agree-time to get rid of the CRA. But this corrupt (I exempt Commissioner Hardy from this description)yes corrupt Commission will never do that to their under the table money cash cow. Nobody plays baseball anymore??? Says who?? Of course our kids play baseball!.There is a great need for drowning prevention,both kids and adults in our town. Our pool could be helping to save lives . Bornstein and Maxwell just don't give a damn. They still want to find a way to sell it off to line their pockets.And the 250,000 they are going to have to pay back to the state for trashing our pool? They could care less. It's only the taxpayers money!And speaking of corrupt=why are we siphoning off money from the road bond to install light poles.? That should be out of the utility pockets,NOT the road bond.

  5. 100% get rid of the cra because this cra has proven themselves to be incompetent

  6. I didn’t say “nobody plays baseball”, I said Lake Worth kids don’t play baseball. Not enough kids to form one team not to mention a league this past season look it up it’s a fact.

  7. @8:43...anonymous at 11:47 says that "nobody plays baseball in Lake Worth."

    Even children of illegals and immigrants from south of our border are not assimilating into our culture.

    So, my question is, why not teach them an American sport that is a national pastime. It resonates more deeply in the country's soul than any other sport. Immigrants don't even play football. If they are not taught in school, we will eventually lose our culture on many fronts.

  8. @ 3:36
    The poles DO come out of the utility budget, NOT the bond and what $250k that we owe the state are you talking about?
    And can you clarify who exactly lining their own pockets and how?

  9. Guess you don’t watch Major League Badeball, it’s dominated by Dominicans, Puerto Rican’s, Cubans, Venezuelans., all kinds of Central American countries, etc. Black kids aren’t playing baseball like the old days, it’s boring, games take 4 hours to complete. I don’t think President Trump nor his children played baseball, I’ve seen Barron wearing Arsenal from London soccer jerseys. Not playing baseball doesn’t make a person a unpatriotic American, that’s silly.

  10. @2:35...thanks for your perspective. LOL
    Baseball is the number three sport in the United States--first football and then Basketball. Almost 30% who play national league baseball are not U.S. citizens.
    Who said that not playing baseball was unpatriotic? Are you re-writing my blog?

  11. It was number one, then two and now three, eventually it will be forth then fifth. LOL So 30 percent are not US citizens, that’s a lot and you have to consider how many have dual citizenship?
    How many kids showed up to play ball in Lake Worth? How many kids came from immigrant families? Why are the ballfields sitting empty or used sparingly?

    There are no baseball programs for kids????
    If you don't teach it and you don't have leagues, you have NO kids playing it.

  13. LOL! Ok, Lake Worth had a baseball league or ‘program’ as you say, but not enough kids showed up so it failed, no ‘program’, none, nada! You obviously don’t have children or grandchildren as you are outta touch with what kids are up to today. So let’s keep on maintaing the ballfields, shuffleboard courts, pool and everything else that’s obsolete for histories sake. LOL

  14. I can't debate someone who has missed the entire point and then makes it personal. LOL yourself.
    It has nothing to do with "history sake." You have been fed a line of crap especially about our pool and shuffleboard courts. You probably work for the city. :(

  15. 9:04-- Over 400,000 was just approved to be moved FROM THE ROAD BOND so that LIGHT POLES COULD BE INSTALLED !!!!

    The state contact is TAMIKA BASS-You look her up ,Moron! She and her boss are quite familiar with the destruction of our pool. Better yet-CALL BORNSTEIN AND ASK HIM TO GIVE YOU HER NUMBER !!!
