Friday, August 31, 2018

Possibly 3 years and $3,000 for Destruction of Trump Star

Man Who Took Pickax to Trump’s Star Now Facing Years in Prison

According to, that man has been identified as Austin Clay, a 24-year-old California native. Though he faces up to three years behind bars on a charge of felony vandalism, he has no regrets over what he did, and even seemed proud of the support he has received from several Trump-hating liberal celebrities.

Hopefully this moronically destructive anti-Trumper gets held fully accountable for his stupidity and vandalism.He also has to pay $3,000 to the chamber of commerce to replace the star.

Read more about it...


  1. Wonder what the guy who threatened to shoot up the Boston Globe and called them the enemy of the people and praised Trump is going to get?

  2. Gee, Lib, I don't know.
    One was a threat; the other was felonious vandalism.
    Why don't you get back to us on that.

  3. Thanks for pointing out again the treachery of the Boston Globe.

  4. Dude with an arsenal in his house picks up phone and threatens to kill reporters, uses the words of POTUS and praises POTUS in his threat and in Lynn's mind the guy who vandalizes Trump's Hollywood star is the bigger criminal.


  5. Hey Lib--go after all the people who have threatened the President and then we'll talk.

    Threatening the President of the United States is a felony under United States Code Title 18. Some people have been arrested but to my knowledge, no one got jail time. Perhaps they did but I don't recall reading about it.

    The idiot who jack-hammered the star on the Walk of Fame committed a felony and could get 3 years in jail. knowing the liberal courts in this country, who knows.

    No one should threaten anyone with assassination and if they do, they need to go to prison.

  6. Typical Libs...think there are no consequences because all their political lib leaders get away with it. Sometimes it's lonely at the bottom of the Lib shit hole

  7. "He pounded on a sidewalk"
    Really,9:25 ?
    If someone had held up a severed head model of Obama I guess you would have said "It's freedom of expression".
    The more freaks like you keep coming out,the more Trump will continue winning.

  8. Eight years of you folks hanging obama dolls from trees, dressing him up as a monkey, and questioning his citizenship and you're going to get worked up about Trump's star in Hollywood.

    Tough people you are.

  9. Right 8 Years of hell, thanks for the memories. He would have been more sympathetic had he not kicked his white side to the curb.
