Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Lake Worth's Special Meeting on our Utility

I'll be watching this right along with you as I only stayed for 1.5 hours as the President was speaking last night.

Ed Liberty, the Utility Director, presented the projects that are planned that have a big price tag.

The city manager says it is years of benign neglect that has put us where we are today. Of course, the "owners," we the property owners, have been complaining for years about the lack of maintenance with all of our assets. So now, it seems that everything is hitting us at once as far as costs for repairs in this city.

The city manager says they are ready to hit the road running...make our asset into a brand. Certainly happy that after six years of being here, he realizes that this is one of our top assets and must be maintained.

One revelation:  The power outage we had in April is believed to have been caused by "foul play." The FBI was notified. The Utility has recommended to build the wall higher there.

I like that idea--BUILD THE WALL.


  1. when are the people of this town going to get fed up with this commission saying they know all.including the cm I doubt if there is any good back up I understand that not one of them can read so what they are going by is hearsay.
