Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Lake Worth votes on banning more Medical Marijuana Dispensaries

On a First Reading and a 4/1 vote with Commissioner Omari Hardy dissenting, future medical marijuana dispensaries are banned--one more reading to go on September 13 to ban additional dispensaries forever.

Hardy wanted the option to have medical marijuana dispensaries west of I-95. Why this would be advantageous to medical marijuana users when they can travel just a short distance to one of the two dispensaries in operation and the simple fact that these dispensaries deliver, was not a compelling argument to allow more to operate within our city.

As we have a population of 36,836, according to the chart below, we have more dispensaries than we need. As Scott Maxwell said, "the number of people needing medical marijuana is finite...we don't need a gross of dispensaries in our city. No one will be denied access," he said.


  1. My gosh, the dais did something right?

  2. Would you rather have a dispensary or drug dealers - it’s simple economics if there are too many don’t worrry the ones that are not run as well will go out of business- You have to offer citizens fair selection. Commercial rents in Palm beach county for this type of retail is comparable across cities . This is not a situation. Where poor little lake worth is the dumping ground for trash- No that would be Checkers and Filthy Bravo Stores not a place where senior citizens and binary citizens by cannibis prescribes by an xyz etc.

  3. I guess you disagree with the stats on the blog. Are you a dealer making a living off the backs of people in pain? Great stuff. You make assumptions that are unfounded. There is "fair selection" here. How many people are running around in paid and need marijuana? Such BS. If these two establishments take advantage of anyone or are bot run well, the word will spread quickly. No problem--they have invested way too much.
    Poor little Lake Worth is a dumping ground actually.

  4. Yeah, maybe Lake Worth can become the next San Fran with free needles and $hit knee deep everywhere on our Sanctuary streets! The county already allows the homeless to live rent free in JPP. Why don't we all just go pitch a tent there and wait for the idiotic "Christians" to come by with the feed wagons?

  5. What we would "rather" have are no dope addicts destroying our cities and weakening our country. We see how awful liberal policies have made SF, Seattle and others. Unlovable.
