Tuesday, August 28, 2018

I voted this morning!

I was the eighth person to vote this morning at Lakeside United Methodist Church. Inside, there were eight voting booths.

As I approached the poll worker to give him my driver's license, I noticed the boxes of ballots. The box of Democrat ballots was twice the size of the Republican ballot box. This was not surprising as the City of Lake Worth is predominantly registered Democrats.

As far back as I can remember, this has been a Democratic stronghold. In the fifties, you had to register as Democrat just to vote in a primary. No Republicans ran back in those days. When I started to vote, it was the same way in the sixties and even into the seventies. Now we have great Republicans running for office. Bill Nelson will have an awakening tonight when his Republican opponent is decided.

In Palm Beach County, as of 8-28-18, there are--
259,789 Republican registered voters
388,547 Democrat registered voters
273,605 Other
For a Total of :921,941


  1. Ummm, Lynn.

    This is the primary. Bill doesn't square off against Rick until November.

  2. Anyone not voting is a slug.

  3. True @9:32...Nelson will see how strong his Republican opponent is after the polls c ose tonight. He will be toast in November.

  4. To anonymous who attempted to post here--You are a typical liberal loser. I made my thought more clear...is that ok with you?
    Stop stalking me.
