Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Health Insurance

Washington Examiner--“Trump’s New Short-Term Health Insurance Rule is a Major Victory for Young People and Working Families”

"According to the Department of Health and Human Services, the average premium of a short-term plan in the fourth quarter of 2016 was only $124. Even if this price were to increase because of the rule change allowing plans to be for 12-month terms, it will still be much less money than the cost of an Obamacare plan, making it a better option for millions of consumers, especially younger Americans."

Isn't this a better alternative to Obamacare where the "average monthly premium for a 30-year-old purchasing a mid-level Silver Plan in 2018 is $477, up 31 percent from just one year ago?

Bernie says its a right that all American are entitled to healthcare but someone has to pay for it. Single Payer would cost $32 trillion over ten years.


  1. Single payer is the only way to go. Something between Medicare and Medicaid for standard health maintenance which can be enhanced if you want or can afford it. (part B)

  2. Ok--tell us how it will be paid. Will it be taken out of their paycheck? What about those with no jobs or refuse to work.

  3. Similar to Canada's I suppose. Obviously we are much larger and you'd have to start with fairly minimal services and build from there. Yes, just like Canada, this would have to be paid for. But minimum health care (NOT health insurance) should be a right. Again, similar to what we have now in Medicaid. The insurance and legal professions will lobby hard to keep the status quo.

  4. DUHHH-then why do Canadians flood into our hospitals to have operations done? And yes ,I work at a local hospital where they come to,particularly for cardiac procedures!
    Want good health care-kill Obama care and make some common sense changes that Republicans will pass when they gain a larger majority in the house and Senate.If not for the Democrats and that skunk McCain Americans could have already been being helped by better health care plans. We also need to make all the politicos in Washington have the same health insurance that we have.
