Thursday, August 23, 2018

Florida November Ballot Initiatives

Type Title Subject Description
  1. LRCA Amendment 1 Taxes-- Increases the amount of a home's value exempted from property tax
  2. LRCA Amendment 2 Taxes-- Makes the cap on non-homestead parcel assessment increases permanent
  3. CICA Amendment 3 Gambling-- Requires voter approval of casino gambling
  4. CICA Amendment 4 Suffrage-- Restores the right to vote for most people with prior felony convictions upon completion of their sentences
  5. LRCA Amendment 5 Legislature-- Requires 2/3 vote of legislature to impose or increase tax or fee
  6. CR Amendment 6 Judiciary-- Adds a Marsy's Law to state constitution, increases judicial retirement age to 75, and prohibits judges from deferring to administrative agencies in interpreting law
  7. CR Amendment 7 Education-- Requires death benefits for first responders and military members, a supermajority vote for college fees, and adds state college system structure to constitution
  8. CR Amendment 8 Education-- Establishes school board term limits, allows state to operate non-board established schools, and requires civic literacy in public education
  9. CR Amendment 9 Environment-- Bans offshore oil and gas drilling and vaping in enclosed indoor workplaces
  10. CR Amendment 10 Admin of Gov't-- Prohibits counties from abolishing certain local offices, changes start date of legislative sessions, and adds an executive office and executive department to constitution
  11. CR Amendment 11 Admin of Gov't-- Repeals the following: (a) a prohibition against aliens owning property, (b) a requirement for a high-speed ground transportation system, and (c) a provision saying that changes to a criminal statute are not retroactive
  12. CR Amendment 12 Gov't Acc-- Prohibits public officials from lobbying for compensation while in office and six years thereafter
Source: Ballotpedia

Explanation of Amendments

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for listing these. I'll have to make a list to bring into the voting booth! And BTW ,the only voter interference I've ever seen was Scott Maxwell's goons trying to intimidate the Supervisor of elections workers at my polling place. Not a Russian in sight!(watch out for democrats with trunks stuffed full of empty ballots and voting machines in their cars.)
