Sunday, August 5, 2018

Do we have to attend church to be a believer?

Survey: Many who shun church are believers

Largest percentage of non-attenders cite practical reasons

Read about it... We are still a Christian nation; we are still believers whether we attend church or not. Get a grip, atheists.


  1. I attend church on Saturday but I don't think one has to attend in order to be a Christian or believe in Jesus. Jesus knows what's in our hearts.

  2. I agree. I have a great Jewish friend from my condo where I live and she is more of a Christian than most of the people I know who say they are Christian. She is kind, friendly, caring, generous, and has become a good friend. Actions speak louder than words.

  3. My brother was raised up in going to a Christian Church all his life and was very involved and then after college never wanted to go to church any more. He is such a good person, so moral and ethical, so generous and donates so much for great causes. He doesn't ever go to church, but he is one of the best civic minded and good people I know.

  4. I go to church every week and love going, I just never put the priests on a pedestal, most of the ones in the Catholic church all seem so shallow and are not humble or any different from most human beings today. They drive luxury $45K cars, tout how great they are, love having maids and servants to cook and clean for them, and want to be put on a pedestal. We need to remember though religious leaders are not God and they are human like us, you would think most would be more upright or closer to God than most average citizens, but I have learned the hard way that they are not. They will lie and mislead you and make you have sex with them and then try to act so holy giving communion the next day in church. Most priests are hypocrites and misleading.

  5. I have concluded that instead of tithing to just a church, I donate a lot of my tithing to other organizations that do good for our world. While I give very little to my church now, I give a lot more to St. Jude's Hospital, Shriners Hospital, 40daysfor life, WAYFM, KLOVE, and many other organizations that promote Christianity and other great causes.

    To give so much to a church that works against some people, like gays or pro choice groups, etc. it is better to find causes that fit your vision and concerns in life and promote your sense of good in this world.

    Something to think about!

  6. I know my friend told me he was an alter boy and the priest made advances on him when he was young, but he felt it helped him come out as gay and he didn't hold a grudge. It may be fine if both people are gay, but it is not right that a priest does this to any minor, whether they are gay or not, it should not happen. Look in the news today, all the sex scandals with the Catholic Church. Nuns in Chile are even saying they were sexually abused by priests. It is crazy, gays, straight, and women all have been abused by priests. Maybe it is time they just let priests marry like they can in the Episcopal church, it may prevent a lot of this.

    I think a lot of Catholic priests have sex although they take an oath of celibacy. Look at Father Alberto a few years ago.

    There is a lot of slimy stuff that goes on in the church.

  7. Believing and being saved are to different things,
    devil and demons believe too

  8. I must have been an ugly kid.the preist never bothered me or my brother.and we were at the church all we could church this morning I could not understand what the priest was saying.its hard to follow along as they took the books out.i talk to JESUS everyday I'm on the road and I feel HE and my angel are with me.i don't like talking against any church as most are here to help.we do need more prayer in school and city meetings.Thank GOD for all he has givin us

  9. Well if you had sex with a priest and he never told you he was a priest until after the fact and then you went to church and it was him giving communion, you would feel uncomfortable too! And it really happened here.
