Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Dev-Land appealed to the City of Lake Worth

Last night, both Deveaux brothers upset with the scores, spoke in front of the commission regarding their recent evaluation/rating derived from their submitted RFP for emergency debris removal (hurricanes).

Saying that their resume might not be as glamorous as others, they said that they performed well for the city in years past and that hurricanes don't hit us every year. Their company has a proven record. Carl indicated that some of those doing the evaluations were not even around back in those days and don't understand the work that they performed.

Carl Deveaux then referred to a letter from the Director of Public Works back in 2006 when their company cleared all the hurricane debris from the various hurricanes that affected Lake Worth such as Frances and Jeanne. Another contractor who does work for them implied that the City was blackballing Dev-Land.

Ed Deveaux spoke and told the commission that their company is Certified by FEMA AND HUD.

They lost their appeal on a 5/0 vote mainly due to the price for services but their overall ranking was 12 out of 13 overall.

Click here to see the letter of recommendation from the City.


  1. Ed and Carl must not have kissed Maxwell and Bornstein"s lily white asses enough . Or they didn't have a "breakfast meeting" with them.No corner booth ,no job!

  2. so much for live work play
