Monday, August 27, 2018

CNN continues with Fake News

CNN’s Jim Sciutto has had two big scoops debunked as very fake news in just one week.

CNN is so over the top in trying to topple our president and find anything negative that will stick on Trump that they continue to report fake news.

Last week CNN ranked number 8 for primetime and has lost a quarter of its viewership compared to the same time last year.

Read about it...


  1., a nonpartisan, nonprofit “consumer advocate” for voters that aims to reduce the level of deception and confusion in U.S. politics, has identified the website that you link to as a site that posts fake or satirical stories.

  2. does not contain a disclaimer. Does CNN?

  3. Just giving you the information. Based upon your track record, it doesn't and won't matter, but I think it's important for everyone to at lease have all the facts so that they can make up their own minds as to what is accurate and what is fake.

    Like President Trump said just the other day: "People have to figure out what is real, and what is not..."

  4. @9:35--you just can't seem to figure it out as to what IS real and what IS fake. You read these liberal sites that say, "oh fake." The American people are not stupid--one-half of our population actually understands what's up.

  5. So you don't agree with Trump, Lynn? It's just information for them to consider. I'm not saying a website from a "nonprofit “consumer advocate” for voters that aims to reduce the level of deception and confusion in U.S. politics" is any more accurate than you or the rightwing website you link to but yet you get all upset because the information is even being offered up for consideration.

    "People have to figure out what is real and what is not." I'm just giving them the tools. Why are you so against that?

  6. Because you are WRONG as usual.
    The "tool" you gave is BS.
    Got it?

  7. I understand that you don't agree with the folks who are the "nonprofit “consumer advocate” for voters that aims to reduce the level of deception and confusion in U.S. politics." I totally get that and, like I said, it's in keeping with what you do here.

    But what I don't understand is why you would prohibit or not be willing to let your readership know about this information. I suspect it's because you want them to accept your information as fact and not have the tools to question it for themselves. I suppose it's sorta like someone dropping a well-researched comment that takes issue with one of your usually delete those, too.

    But that is in direct conflict with what President Trump has said in his stand against censorship and a statement he made recently.

    It just seems like you're all over the map on this. On the one hand, you don't what rightwing websites to be censored by anyone but on the other hand, you don't want to see or hear any words that don't agree with you or simply have a different viewpoint or, most importantly, expose your views or words not to be accurate. It's almost as if you honestly believe that only conservative views should be on TV, the internet and in newspapers. That, in fact, you want liberals to be censored. That would be okay with you.

    Maybe that's what you're advocating, Lynn. If you are, I invite you to look up fascism.

  8. I invite you to take a walk.
    I put up your crap. You just didn't like my reply.
    I don't expect a narrowed minded Hillary lover to like anything I would say or believe.
    What you wrote is ridiculous.
    I don't want fake news here or lies. You never could follow policy.
