Thursday, August 30, 2018

Andrew Gillum

Mayor Andrew Gillum, Florida's first African American nominee for governor, says that his opponent Ron DeSantis' "monkey this up" comment was used as a way to "incite" his base. Such bull. And it's also shocking that Terrie Rizzo, Chair of the Florida Democratic Party is drinking that Koolaid lie too. I always thought she was smarter than that.

Andrew Gillum is playing the "race card" to attack his opponent, Ron DeSantis, to try and win on his socialistic agenda and to use/attract minorities to his side by a vicious, untrue statement.

And even more serious is what's going on in Tallahassee, the city that he has led since 2014. He was first elected to office there in 2003 when he was 23. and through all these years, he has met the movers and shakers along the way. City Hall and Gillum have been under an ongoing FBI public corruption investigation, something he wants to trivialize as "someone else's fault."  The buck stops with him. He is the mayor.

We don't want him "monkeying around" with the State of Florida that has achieved great things under Governor Rick Scott. Florida's economy, like that of the nation, rebounded during Scott's time in office and is strong. It hit a $1 trillion GDP this year and as a country, it would rank 17th in the world.

Higher taxes, free stuff and Saul Alinsky's principles to discredit, distort and destroy anyone or anything that does not embrace socialistic philosophies, won't work with Floridians.

Read more here:

1 comment:

  1. I took his comment to mean "monkey wrenching" and I think he meant it that way but I'm sure he wishes he used different terminology to describe screwing things up that are already going in a positive direction.
