Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Andrew Gillum, The Socialist

The Platform:

  • Instituting Medicare for all
  • Giving all Americans health care
  • Equal pay for women
  • Legalizing marijuana
  • Believes abortion is a right
  • Making college debt-free
  • Overhauling the state criminal justice system
  • Opposes expanding the military
  • Supports higher taxes on the wealthy
  • Wants $15 minimum wage
  • Raising social security payroll cap to $240,000 (I'll go for that one)
  • Says Stricter punishment for criminals does not deter crime
  • Supports same sex marriage
  • Supports tearing down historical Confederate monuments
  • Supports the Obama Administration's actions to save our economy from the "reckless Wall Street behavior that wrecked our economy"
  • Wants a statewide expansion of policies that prevent the deportation of immigrants in the country illegally.
  • Although never officially stated, he wants to make Florida a Sanctuary State and loves to use the "race card"
Left of left Gillum won the Democratic nomination for governor over former congresswoman Gwen Graham, 34-31%. He will face Conservative Republican Ron DeSantis in the general election.

Strangely, Democrats are moving the party into socialism.


  1. Did I mention the pendulum effect?

  2. This guy is way too liberal for this state. Socialism fails and no one will accept this guy as governor of our great state.

  3. the Democrats did DeSantis a big favor. On to victory.

  4. I didn't know that money trees could grow in Florida.

  5. Hey, if we can afford to build a $40 billion wall and create a Space Force and bail out farmers with billions of dollars because of tariff wars, maybe we can find a few dollars for these programs.

  6. Gollum is proposing to pay for all these programs NOT with taxes from the middle class, he'll slap enormous tax bills on the biggest businesses in Florida. We all know that taxing these businesses would run them out of the State to a lower taxed state.
